

Primary LanguageSwift


Currently a WIP not ready for consumption

Framework for self hosted iOS application analytics and simple crash reporting

Companion server can be found at: https://github.com/mschmulen/appAnalyticsServer


The framework SDK leverages a local CoreData (sqlite) data store to hold analytics allowing for offline caching of events and bursts the analytics events to the server using a TokenBucket to throttle burst size and network consumption. The basic AnalyticEvent AnalyticEvent.viewDidAppear or AnalyticEvent.customEvent can be used directly or the Application can create custom events by conforming to the AnalyticEventProtocol protocol. Additionally the framework can be configured to also catch, cache and upload CrashEvents with stack trace information for crash signals and uncaught swift exceptions. The framework leverages a local UUID for each crash event to prevent duplicate events from being entered into the Analytics server side data store and also to insure that events are not removed from the local device storage until a server confirmation is recieved by the client.

If the host application integrates the appropriate applicationDidBecomeActive, applicationWillResignActive, etc. The service will automatically report lifecycle events


Getting started

  1. git clone git@github.com:mschmulen/appAnalytics-iOS.git
  2. cd appAnalytics-iOS
  3. open AppAnalytics.xcodeproj/
  4. run or deploy companion server
  5. run the sample app

Sample SwiftUI App with localhost server

Demo and test app for testing swift analytics, configured to use localhost make sure and run the Companion server can be found at:

  1. Start the local companion server: https://github.com/mschmulen/appAnalyticsServer
  2. Select the AnalyticsSwiftUIExample build target
  3. Compile and run in the local simuation


In the AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions initialize the AnalyticsService

let analyticsServiceConfig = AnalyticsServiceConfiguration.defaultLocalConfiguration
AnalyticsService.start(config: analyticsServiceConfig)
_ = AnalyticsService.shared().application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

Dispatch an event:

AnalyticsService.dispatchAnalyticEvent(.viewDidAppear(viewName: "HomeView"))

Developer Notes:

Note about the TokenBucket

A Token bucket is a simple algorithm used for rate-limiting events and shaping network traffic

Notes: The benefit of using a TokenBucket is that it does not require any system level timers to manage the dispatching of events to the network. When the system wants to send an event it first checks the token bucket to see if it has enough tokens to to do this. If not then then the event must wait for the buck to be refreshed the token refresh is determined by the tokensPerInterval and the interval. the tokenBucket is checked for potential refresh every time the system requests a tokenCount.

For the Analytics usage the tokenCount is checked everytime an event is posted to the local storage via the dispatchAnalyticEvent call. Every dispatchAnalyticEvent will trigger a flush request that will request events oldest first and dispatch them to the network as the accumulated tokens permit, in this way events are dispatched FIFO style and will not overwhelm the network with a large body of network requests.


Note about threading


Note about configuration


TODO integrate app metrics from metricKit

Documentation Notes

install jazzy with:

[sudo] gem install jazzy

update docs with:

jazzy --min-acl internal --no-hide-documentation-coverage --theme fullwidth --output ./docs --documentation=./*.md