
Optinally wrap msgpack_object instead of converting to V8 object

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Currently msgpack.unpack(), converts the msgpack_object from C/C++ lib into a V8 object visiting the msgpack_object entirely with recursion.
Such an approach is known to be ~ 3.5 times slower than JSON.parse(). I could get approximately the same performance on nodejs 7.5 with msgpack 1.0.2.

In, the recursive implementation of msgpack_to_v8 repeatedly calls Nan::New.
Building the V8 object is the most expensive part and disabling V8 object creation (C library msgpack_unpack) still being called, I could get encouraging numbers:

json: 723.140ms msgpack: 458.431ms

median out of 10 runs of:

var sj = JSON.stringify(data);
for (let i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
var sj = msgpack.pack(data);
for (let i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {

suggesting that most of the time is spent to build a V8 object.

In some use cases where the full object is not needed or not repeatedly accessed, better performance could be achieved wrapping the msgpack_object struct within a V8 object with getters of computed property names (not sure how transparent that can be).

If an msgpack_object representing:

var o = {"a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : [1, 2, 3]};

is given, o.c[1] only creates and returns a number instead of the full object structure.
Assumption is to have less overhead and performance comparable to direct use of C library.
Was this ever tried? Does it make sense at all?