
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

arunkhattri opened this issue ยท 7 comments

while trying Usage go collect2 error, am I missing something.
Iam on Manjaro,


Hi @arunkhattri, I had the same problem, I resolved changing the build command on Makefile, as follow: $(SWEOBJ)
	$(CC) -shared -o $(SWEOBJ) -lm -ldl

I added the -lm -ldl

Hi @arunkhattri, I had the same problem, I resolved changing the build command on Makefile, as follow: $(SWEOBJ)
	$(CC) -shared -o $(SWEOBJ) -lm -ldl

I added the -lm -ldl

Great! We look forward to reviewing your pull request.

This helped, thanks.. After that, I had one more issue after running go run main.go

/tmp/go-build1130359442/b001/exe/main: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory exit status 127

Thank you @elvishp2006 , that worked ๐Ÿ™
Just a suggestion, add that in your PR of updating readme

I am having trouble building it in WINDOWS, how do I do that?
It currently gives undefined: swephgo.UtcToJd

Was trying to install swepgo on Raspberry PI and got bunch of collect2 errors. Tried passing -lm -ldl for ldflags. Looks like the go compiler ignores LDFLAG if it is already specified in the source. cgo_helpers.go the flag is set to #cgo LDFLAGS: -lswe. I locally modified the source to include -lm and -ldl flags #cgo LDFLAGS: -lm -ldl -lswe. This resolved the linking error during