- 1
storeDir option doesn't work for all modules
#1000 opened by anoronh4 - 1
Facets output incompatible with Facets Preview
#988 opened by anoronh4 - 0
conpair channel bug
#1014 opened by anoronh4 - 1
use Channel.interval() factory instead of watchPath
#1009 opened by anoronh4 - 0
replace or upgrade delly
#1011 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Add assay type to MultiQC output.
#1010 opened by price0416 - 1
- 0
clean up ngi-genomes folder
#1007 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Broken links in documentation
#998 opened by johnoooh - 0
remove from docs for dsl2
#1004 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Aggregate from Path will fail in certain aggregation process when certain samples have non-complete subworkflow
#1002 opened by gongyixiao - 0
update multiqc
#999 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Improvement for cohort multiqc report html
#997 opened by gongyixiao - 0
brass fails when input bai file does not having the expected naming convention
#994 opened by anoronh4 - 0
update pipeline DAG visualization in documentation
#992 opened by anoronh4 - 0
lohhla read.table bug
#989 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Bug with biocircos plotting
#984 opened by anoronh4 - 3
nextflow updates causing errors in execution
#978 opened by anoronh4 - 2
Remove unnecessary files from SvABA published files
#982 opened by anoronh4 - 1
revise normal depth cutoff for variants
#915 opened by anoronh4 - 3
error in `GermlineCombineChannel`
#903 opened by anoronh4 - 1
- 1
Maf files from GenomeNexus
#928 opened by price0416 - 1
- 1
Rescue mutations that are oncogenic at 2% frequency
#922 opened by anoronh4 - 1
Update oncoKB annotator version
#936 opened by gongyixiao - 0
Singularity runOptions add parameters to avoid loading home directory libraries for R or Python
#938 opened by gongyixiao - 0
minor issues in logic for dsl2
#975 opened by anoronh4 - 1
Zygosity annotation of mutations should be done with hisens rather than purity
#967 opened by anoronh4 - 0
- 0
sampleQC_wf:SampleRunMultiQC won't run for WGS because no CollectHsMetrics is run.
#974 opened by gongyixiao - 0
- 0
calculate cdna contamination
#926 opened by anoronh4 - 0
- 1
SampleRunMultiQC not running for WGS mode
#957 opened by gongyixiao - 0
- 0
QcAlfred bug
#953 opened by anoronh4 - 0
- 1
Conpair completes successfully, but has empty output
#940 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Error in `SampleRunMultiQC` and `CohortRunMultiQC`
#920 opened by anoronh4 - 2
Make QC summary available for other trackers to use.
#921 opened by anoronh4 - 1
supporting svtools
#912 opened by anoronh4 - 1
`QcConpair` exits with error
#924 opened by anoronh4 - 0
add_tag function bug for filter-*-maf.R
#918 opened by anoronh4 - 1
switch agilent v3 files to agilent v4
#901 opened by anoronh4 - 0
Hard-coded genome version need to be fixed.
#913 opened by gongyixiao - 0
support ora sequencing record files
#911 opened by anoronh4 - 1
fix count of normal forward and reverse read count
#897 opened by anoronh4 - 1
Missing Sample Name in Cohort Level SV
#906 opened by arichards2564 - 1
limit input volume from csv over time
#898 opened by anoronh4