
vcf2maf could not specify the output path

songeric1107 opened this issue · 1 comments

trying to run the script as follows by specifying the output path, however, get an error as follows.

perl /usr/local/packages/vcf2maf/ --input-vcf /local/devel/ysong/vcf2maf/mskcc-vcf2maf-754d68a/tests/test.vcf --output-maf /local/scratch/ysong/test.vep.maf --vep-path /usr/local/packages/miniconda3/envs/vep/bin

MSG: ERROR: Output file /local/devel/ysong/vcf2maf/mskcc-vcf2maf-754d68a/tests/test.vep.vcf already exists. Specify a different output file with --output_file or overwrite existing file with --force_overwrite

If I remove the pre-existing file and run the script again, the output is wroten to the following path, not the path that I specified.

STATUS: Running VEP and writing to: /local/devel/ysong/vcf2maf/mskcc-vcf2maf-754d68a/tests/test.vep.vcf

Is this issue resolved? I get the same error