
ERROR: Failed to run the VEP annotator!

SuiyueWestlake opened this issue · 0 comments

I installed VEP through
conda install -c bioconda ensembl-vep .

And my command for vcf2maf is
perl --input-vcf 915.raw.somatic.vcf --output-maf 915.raw.somatic.maf --ref-fasta /storage/publicdata/ref/bwa/hg38_GATK/genome.fa --remap-chain /storage/lixuLab/suiyue/CHEK1/WES/clean_data/gatk/Separate/annovar/mskcc-vcf2maf-754d68a/data/hg38_to_GRCh38.chain --vep-path /home/lixuLab/suiyue/miniconda3/envs/WES/share/ensembl-vep-88.9-0

But I got the error.
ERROR: Failed to run the VEP annotator!

I would appreciate it if anyone could help.