
loved the app :) few suggestions which you and us users may find helpful

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Awesome app! Wish you in your best use of time & life along with all of us. (even if its means you discontinuing this app)

Textual+graphical apps list, laucher. Really cool idea. I used text based laucher for some time and it was really needed.

I found your, "disable satus bar" option interesting. Only your app offer this!(i tried almost all the lauchers in fdroid). btw i have also had my status bar disabled!

here i go with my suggestion!- (opinion perhaps). Throw them or whatever you wish :)

  1. Graphical app list interface feels really slowish, sluggish, stuck-ky and not so good in finger. if you are okay with and also It may save your time, if you incorporate amir's shade launcher code for your graphical interface. It will be really smooth.

  2. instead of swipe right -> graphical app lists interface. You may add a textual interface here for "Grouped Apps". A box or like so shape. Inside it, names of all the apps the user added. Also visiable gap/margin around the box shape to make the interface cool and different.

for example,

i have 4pdf apps. i grouped them. something like this for a organization section in the textual interface.

I would have started using this app as my daily launcher. i liked it a lot, thats writing so much unlike how issues are written in github!!! . However need a graphical interface and the current interface of this app is really feels stuck-ky or something like this..,...