
transform property should accept transformer

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to parse big arrays of objects and it would be awesome if the transform property also accepts a transformer.

const transformPerson = (obj) => {
    return createTransformer({
        personId: 'id',
        surname: 'name'

const source = {
    items: [
            id: 5,
            name: 'Test'
            id: 6,
            name: 'another'

const applyTransform = createTransformer({
    items: { transform: transformPerson, iterate: true}

applyTransform(source).then(output => console.dir(output))

Output: { items: [ [AsyncFunction], [AsyncFunction] ] }
Expected output: { items: [ { personId: 5, surname: 'Test' }, { personId: 6, surname: 'another' } ] }

Since you closed this issue I'll assume that you figured it out yourself, but just in case someone else is facing a similar issue: createTransformer() returns a function which will then accept raw source data. So the transformPerson function above would always return a new function, which is why the output for the items array consisted of [AsyncFunction] values.

The solution here is to assign the return value of createTransformer to transformPerson like so:

const transformPerson = createTransformer({
  personId: 'id',
  surname: 'name'