
what_defined, pub_moduledoc

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Firex not function in my version of Elixir 1.4.4.



screenshot_mix exs

@msoedov I have fork the project for try to correct the problem my-self.

@ZackEyston Thanks for the report. I have not tested it with 14.4 yet but with 14.4 it worked fine: . I will take a look to this a bit latter

@msoedov Okay, thx, I think it's cause by nil in to_op_types. I work it.

@ZackEyston any patch will be appreciated :)

Okay, i have correct the wraning and correct the bug :)

I have make a pull request, you can close this if all stuff is correct.

@ZackEyston Thanks for contribution, I have added 1.4.4 to travis build matrix

@msoedov Thx too, Firex is useful 👍 , and correct the version of Firex in README please, haha :)

@msoedov So, if you check my pull request, close this issue. :)