
mergeCSV() error when using --split option

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Hello, when I run the following command:

sudo ./git/pcapinator/ --in static-test.pcap --query "http" --fields "-e ip.src -e ip.dst -e tcp.srcport -e tcp.dstport -e text -e tcp.payload" --split --out static-test.tsv

I get the following error output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./git/pcapinator/", line 801, in
File "./git/pcapinator/", line 230, in main
processCustomQuery(pcapfiles, args.tshark_query, args.tshark_fields, pcapdir)
File "./git/pcapinator/", line 359, in processCustomQuery
tsvfile = mergeCSV()
TypeError: mergeCSV() missing 1 required positional argument: 'outdir'

I'm pretty new to python but I think the output directory just isn't being specified possibly on line 359. I tried inputing a directory "/hom/username" there but I don't get any output file. Any chance you could help out with this, your tool looks super helpful, any help would be greatly appreciated.
