Author: Matt Reynolds ( and Justin Degonda (
Project: AskJaws
Description: An Amazon Alexa Skill for the JAWS screen reader. Ask JAWS for keyboard shortcuts for any action and target
Version: 1.0.0
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws to Set Preferences"
Alexa: "Ok, what layout preference do you prefer? Please say laptop or desktop"
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What’s the shortcut for ‘say line’"
Alexa: "They keyboard shortcut for 'say line' is INSERT + UP ARROW"
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What’s the shortcut for ‘say time’"
Alexa: "They keyboard shortcut for 'say line' is INSERT + UP ARROW" (this is due to the Levenstein search implementation. There is no command for 'say time' so it finds the next closest match)
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What commands contain ‘time’"
Alexa: "I found one command that contains 'time', 'say system time'"
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What’s the shortcut for ‘say system time’"
Alexa: "The keyboard shortcut for 'say system time' is ALT + NUM PAD 5"
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What’s the shortcut for ‘acquire image from scanner or camera’"
Alexa: "The keyboard shortcut for 'acquire image from camera or scanner' is INSERT+SPACEBAR, followed by O, and then A"
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What commands contain ‘radio button’"
Alexa: "I found 4 commands that contain 'radio button' ... then she reads the 4 commands found"
User: "Alexa, Ask Jaws: What’s the shortcut for ‘next radio button’"
Alexa: "The keyboard shortcut for 'next radio button' is A"
Prepare your own source code to upload to the Amazon Lambda Function console:
Get the codez, cd into project directory
git clone
cd askjaws
Rename ./.env.example
to ./.env
Edit all configuration variables in ./.env
# Skill Call Sign
# Amazon Configuration
# Layout Mode (desktop or laptop)
# Version Mode (Jaws version)
Build the zip file you will upload to Amazon Lambda Function Console, the zip file is stored in ./dist/
chmod 775 ./
Test your Skill:
Edit the file askjaws/test/alexa_requests.json
with your own Alexa Skill Application ID.
To test your skill, use ONE of the example Sample Events in askjaws/test/alexa_requests.json