This project involves the development of a LAN-based speaker zone control system that enables remote control of speaker zones, including turning them on/off, adjusting volume levels, and managing audio sources. The system utilizes an Express API built on Node.js, which runs on a Linux web server. It also incorporates a webpage that can be accessed by any user on the LAN by entering a specific IP address.
- Webpage Deployment: Upon accessing the designated IP address on the LAN, users are presented with a webpage that allows them to interact with the speaker zone control system.
- API Communication: The webpage communicates with the Express API to send requests for various actions, such as turning on/off speaker zones, adjusting volume levels, and managing audio sources.
- Socket Communication: The Express API establishes a socket connection with a different IP device on the network. It sends the commands received from the front-end to this device.
- RS232 Integration: The IP device converts the digital signals received from the Express API into an RS232 analog format compatible with the amplifier. This enables seamless control of the speaker zones.
- Remote Control: The system facilitates remote control of the speaker zones, allowing users to manage audio settings conveniently from their devices connected to the LAN.
- Express: Used to communicate between the webpage and the back end server script
- Node.js: Used for the server side communication with the Amplifier
- Linux: The server script is hosted on a Linux machine.
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript: The webpage is built using these standard web technologies for user interaction and visual presentation.
- RS232: The system converts the digital signal into an RS232 signal in order to communicate with the amplifier
- Clone the project repository from [GitHub Repository URL].
- Install Node.js on your Linux web server if not already installed.
- Put the server.js file onto your Linux server, and run 'npm install'
- Use 'sudo forever start server.js' in the same directory the server file is in
- Add the webpage elements to whatever web hosting system you are using.
- Access the webpage by entering a specific IP address in a web browser on the LAN.
- Upon accessing the webpage, users will be presented with a user-friendly interface to control the speaker zones, volume levels, and audio sources.
- Interact with the controls provided on the webpage to send API requests to the Express API.
- The Express API will establish a socket connection with the designated IP device and send the corresponding commands to control the speaker zones.
- Enjoy the convenience of remotely managing the speaker zones and customizing the audio experience.
Matt Steele