
Cannot build with GHC 9

ocharles opened this issue · 0 comments

src/Control/Natural/IsoF.hs:73:8: error:
    • Couldn't match type: a0 -> b0
                     with: forall (x :: k). f x -> g x
      Expected: (f ~> g) -> (g ~> f) -> f <~> g
        Actual: (a0 -> b0) -> (c0 -> d0) -> p0 b0 c0 -> p0 a0 d0
    • In the expression: dimap
      In an equation for ‘isoF’: isoF = dimap
    • Relevant bindings include
        isoF :: (f ~> g) -> (g ~> f) -> f <~> g
          (bound at src/Control/Natural/IsoF.hs:73:1)
73 | isoF = dimap
   |        ^^^^^

I imagine this is due to simplified subsumption changes.