
error: no member named 'join_with' in namespace 'std::ranges::views'

Mark-AAAA opened this issue · 1 comments

Isn't std::views::join_with implemented ? Works with gcc 14 and std=c++23

#include <print>
#include <ranges>
#include <string>

std::int32_t main() {
    std::string str = R"(%userprofile%\Doc\do\%\%%)";
    auto first_split = str | std::views::split('%') 
                                  | std::views::take(2) 
                                  | std::views::join 
                                  | std::ranges::to<std::string>();
    auto second_split = str | std::views::split('%') 
                                    | std::views::drop(2) 
                                    | std::views::join_with('%')
                                    | std::ranges::to<std::string>();

    std::string path = first_split +  second_split;

    std::print("{}\n{}", first_split, second_split);

See - it looks like views::join_with is still in progress.