
wrong arch of some packages

Closed this issue · 4 comments

For example, the C# compiler in MSBuild/Current/Bin/Roslyn/csc.exe is a arm64 executable currently. From the manifest file and listing files, it is in package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilers which is a dependency of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler

			"id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler",
			"version": "17.11.35102.94",
			"type": "Component",
			"dependencies": {
				"Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilers": "[4.0,"

and the arch of the package is specified by productArch:

			"id": "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilers",
			"version": "",
			"type": "Vsix",
			"productArch": "arm64",

So, I believe we should match productArch with host arch. Besides, there are chip and machineArch fields in the manifest file, and I failed to understand what are the exact meaning of them, e.g.

			"id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.ClientDiagnostics.Targeted",
			"version": "17.11.35102.94",
			"type": "Vsix",
			"chip": "x64",
			"productArch": "neutral",
			"machineArch": "x64",

From #138, machineArch should be host arch by default if it is not explicitly specified in dependencies.

    "id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger",
    "productArch": "x64",
    "dependencies": {
        "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Remote.DiagnosticsHub.Client": "[17.0,18.0)",
    "id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Remote.DiagnosticsHub.Client",
    "productArch": "neutral",
    "machineArch": "x64",
    "dependencies": {
        "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Remote.DiagnosticsHub.Client": {
            "machineArch": "x86"
    "id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Remote.DiagnosticsHub.Client",
    "productArch": "neutral",
    "machineArch": "x86",

Another observation from package:

			"id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Remote",
			"type": "Vsix",
			"chip": "x64",
			"productArch": "neutral",
			"machineArch": "arm64",

The package contains msvsmon.exe, which runs on target machines to listen incoming connections from developer machines for remote debugging.

  dumpbin /headers Contents/Common7/IDE/Remote%20Debugger/x64/vcruntime140.dll
      AA64 machine (ARM64) (ARM64X)

  dumpbin /headers Contents/Common7/IDE/Remote%20Debugger/x64/msvsmon.exe
      8664 machine (x64)

My understanding is that the package must be running on arm64 machines, as vcruntime140.dll is a Arm64X PE file.

As a comparasion, this package is a host package with machineArch:arm64.

			"id": "Microsoft.VisualCpp.Tools.HostARM64.TargetX64",
			"type": "Vsix",
			"machineArch": "arm64",

I made it complicated. Users know what architecture they want for a specific package. vsdownload just need to offer a option to download user-specified arch, like --host-arch proposed in PR #140.