
As I am working with Microsoft LUIS and Bot Framework, here`s little data for any one interested in LUIS.


As I am working with Microsoft LUIS and Bot Framework, here`s little data for any one interested in LUIS.

I am adding the list of Intents I have created and used for my LUIS App. I am also adding common Entities.

Add intents and entities to your LUIS app and then code responses for particular intent.

Note: One of the best way to recognize user intent is to use proper entities along with intents while training LUIS. Add similar Entities as of Intents.

Use this link to create usefull Phrase Lists for your Bot: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/benjaminperkins/2016/12/07/top-10-must-have-phrase-list-features-for-your-chatbot-or-any-bot-luis/

Note: When newly created, let all the uncategorised user intents reach into "None", and keep checking for the same intent for newly asked questions, and then filter out those into categories or create a new one.

Add/Edit data, Train your LUIS model and then properly publish it, unless you publish it, no changes will be reflected.

As of January 2019, I am exploring on implementing mongodb as a primary storage for users sessions over chatbot.

Thanks. Happy Coding.