
Allow naming for Terminal Profile color profile settings

Closed this issue · 2 comments

First off, great job putting this together.

Is there a way to get a reference map added to the interface that shows which filed matches what option in the Terminal Profile settings if even in the documentation?

For example: mainbg = pallet color 0

I tried to see if I could map things out but it just got even weirder...

Here is the example theme metalheart from your site:

mainbg #1d272a
mainfg #8693ae
builtin #9a91b8
keyword #6e94ad
string #ba899c
functionname #937aba
variable #638f81
type #7a9f81
constant #5980a3
comment #727272
warning #ff0000
warning2 #ff8800

This is how it generated in the terminal profile:

palette color 0 #1D272A mainbg
palette color 1 #7B87A0  
palette color 2 #95A0B8  
palette color 3 #717B92  
palette color 4 #667084  
palette color 5 #937ABA  
palette color 6 #7A9F81  
palette color 7 #6E94AD keyword
palette color 8 #5980A3 constant
palette color 9 #638F81 variable
palette color 10 #7A9F81 type
palette color 11 #FF0000 warning
palette color 12 #937ABA functionname
palette color 13 #667084  
palette color 14 #7B87A0  
palette color 15 #8693AE mainfg
Text #8693AE mainfg
Background #1D272A mainbg
Cursor Foreground #1D272A mainbg
Cursor Background #8693AE mainfg
Highlight Foreground #2E3440  
Highlight Background #88C0D0

Notice that some of the colors in the theme generator did not even get used and some random colors were used instead.

Hi, Thanks for this.

Did you take a look at the template ?

The "random colors" are shades (darker or lighter) of mainfg and mainbg.

Sorry for the late reply, that makes sense. Thanks.