
[Documentation for - please add an entry stating whether C:\usr\ can be used as a prefix

rubyFeedback opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there msys2 devs,

Please extend the FAQ. It is very small-ish right now.

I would like to know whether C:\usr\ can work for msys2.

msys2 installer is a bit picky e. g. warning about removing it again
leading to the directory being removed. But I don't uninstall via
the uninstaller once I have a Linux-like environment - my package
manager handles that anyway.

Is it possible to install msys2 via a /usr/ prefix? I'd like to simulate
the FHS as much as possible on windows.

This is probably easy to answer for you guys but I would just like
to see such simple confirmation for windows. I am now reading
up on cl.exe actually because I don't understand pacman and
I want to learn. I compile on Linux fine, but for learning how
to compile on windows pacman is actually not helping me at
all. So I want the "raw" way. I hope you guys can extend the
FAQ in general, right now it is super short. Or perhaps it needs
a link to the "real" FAQ if that is stored elsewhere.

lazka commented

I would like to know whether C:\usr\ can work for msys2.

You mean so that you get C:\usr\bin\bash.exe for example? I guess it could work, if you move everything in C:\msys64 one level up afterwards.

But I don't see why you'd want to do that. That just makes it less clear what is MSYS2 and what isn't, so I don't see why we should document it.