
Some of the messages that are received are not shown on the dashboard.

Galactic21 opened this issue · 0 comments

Good afternoon, I wanted to expose a problem that may be beyond my knowledge but I am using Sendria in a DEV environment and what is happening is that the messages I want to send to Sendria seem to be well received but they are not being displayed on the dashboard. In this image we can see messages being accepted on 08/29/2022.


However, in the following image, we can see that the last message shown is from 08/26/2022.

Screenshot at Aug 29 17-15-51

The database file contains about 13MB so it has nothing to do with the limit of a sqlite database. And the last time a file was saved in the database is also 08/26/2022.


In conclusion, messages are being received in the Sendria logs but not being saved in the sqlite file.

I ask for help in this matter if possible.
Thank you.