
In this practice Python and MySQL is being used. Before running the files on your computer make sure MySQL Database is installed on your computer. There are 3 following files

  1. Python_with_Database
  2. module_functions
  3. DataFrame_from_Database

The first file is all about modules importing and function call to connect with the server, creating database and all related SQL queries with the help of Python.

The second file contains all the major functions which are needed to interact with the Database, such as Database Server, Creating a Database, creating database objects, inserting data and fetching the data. This is the most important file to understand.

The last/3rd file contains the code about fetching the data through a function call from another jupyter notebook file in the same directory. Then utilizing the data from database, developing the dataframe and then making it work according to business rule.

NOTE: This is practice to understand the connectivity of Python with Database. If you need any kind of help reach out to me. I'll be happy to help. And you are also welcome to fork and do pull requests.