Type or namespace name 'enterprise' does not exist in the namespace 'Gaiaware.Salesforce'
GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 1 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. I'm using revision 9, to add assignmentruleheader
2. when I try to build the dll, I get:
Warning 1 Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly
"Gaiaware.Salesforce.XmlSerializers". Check to make sure the assembly exists on
disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation
errors. Gaiaware.SalesforceWrapper
Error 2 The type or namespace name 'enterprise' does not exist in the namespace
'Gaiaware.Salesforce' (are you missing an assembly
reference?) C:\inetpub\wwwroot\salesforceAPI\Gaiaware.SalesforceWrapper\Controll
ers\LeadController.cs 33 27 Gaiaware.SalesforceWrapper
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
I expect it's a config problem, but i've followed the rules here as far as I
know and I am stuck
Original issue reported on code.google.com by susanspa...@googlemail.com
on 11 Jul 2010 at 1:04
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Susan. Just an FYI Revision 9 is a branch of the trunk that is a work in
progress and still needs to go under code review and testing with the other
project members. The branch uses different methods other than defined here in
the project to get the WSDL file appropriately.
Otherwise, I could use some more details in order to assist you.
Have you done the following?
1) You have generated the WSDL in Salesforce, downloaded the enterprise.wsdl
file, and saved it to the wsdl/ folder in the project? Steps to do so here
htm]. Be sure to save it to the wsdl/ folder as "enterprise.wsdl".
2) Under the wsdl/ folder is a .bat file called go-wsdl.bat. Edit the file and
change the "C:\Clientwork\SalesforceDotNet\wsdl\enterprise.wsdl" to to PATH of
your project e.g. "C:\Path\To\My\Project\wsdl\", for you in this case it would
be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\salesforceAPI\wsdl\. Once this is done go-wsdl.bat will
automatically create the SforceService.cs code needed by the
Gaiaware.Salesforce.Core project.
3) Save the SforceService.cs generated in the wsdl/ folder to the
Gaiaware.Salesforce.Core project.
4) Rebuild.
As a side note I would recommend not creating a Service Reference to the wsdl
Web Service. Use the following above with the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\wsdl.exe" tool to create the CSharp classes for
If this still does not work? I recommend you SVN switch back to the trunk/, and
I can provide you with .cs files that use the AssignmentRuleHeaders if that is
what you are looking to use. Again this Revision 9 is a branch.
Original comment by mteece@gmail.com
on 12 Jul 2010 at 3:25