
Node wrapper for Trello's HTTP API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node wrapper for Trello’s HTTP API.

Build Status

View Trello’s API documentation online.


npm install node-trello

Getting your key and token

  • Generate your developer key and supply it as the first constructor parameter.
  • To read a user’s private information, get a token by directing them to https://trello.com/1/connect?key=<PUBLIC_KEY>&name=MyApp&response_type=token replacing, of course, <PUBLIC_KEY> with the public key obtained in the first step.
  • If you never want the token to expire, include &expiration=never in the url from the previous step.
  • If you need write access as well as read, &scope=read,write to the request for your user token.

Example Code

Fetching card data

var Trello = require("node-trello");
var t = new Trello("<your key>", "<token>");

t.get("/1/members/me", function(err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;

// URL arguments are passed in as an object.
t.get("/1/members/me", { cards: "open" }, function(err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;

Uploading attachments to a card

var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var Trello = require("node-trello");
var t = new Trello("<your key>", "<token>");

var cardId = "<the card id>";
var pathToFile = path.resolve(__dirname, "/path/to/file.doc");

t.post("/1/cards/" + cardId + "/attachments", { attachment: fs.createReadStream(pathToFile) }, function (err, attachments) {
  if (err) throw err;


Released under MIT.