
Env variables for LDAP configuration

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Added some automation in 5.0.2-1

  • REDMINE_LDAP_OTF_USE_DISPLAY_NAME: Flag to use displayName for LDAP On-the-fly user creation as default for the first and last names. For 'Firstname attribute' the part of displayName before the first space character ( ) is used if this flag set to true and corresponding LDAP search for the specified in UI attributes return empty string. For 'Lastname attribute' the part of displayName after the last space character ( ) is used if this flag set to true and corresponding LDAP search for the specified in UI attributes return empty string. Defaults to true.
  • REDMINE_LDAP_OTF_MAIL_ATTR: LDAP 'Email attribute' default attribute for LDAP On-the-fly user creation. Used in another LDAP search if the corresponding LDAP search for the specified in UI attribute return empty string. Defaults to userPrincipalName.
  • REDMINE_LDAP_OTF_MAIL_DOMAIN: Used in LDAP On-the-fly user creation as e-mail domain suffix for the addreess returned by LDAP search for REDMINE_LDAP_OTF_MAIL_ATTR. If the returned by LDAP search e-mail address doesn't corresponds to a valid e-mail address and it has @ character, the @suffix part of the returned address is replaced by this variable. If the returned address doesn't have @ character then the @ character and this variable is added to the end of the returned address. Defaults to empty string.