
can't create app

transtone opened this issue · 2 comments

shawl add --name myapp -- 'D:\soft\myApp.exe'

[ERROR] Failed to create the service. Error code: 1072.
[ERROR] SC stdout:
[SC] OpenSCManager ʧ�� 1072:


[ERROR] SC stderr:

Hmm, from what I can tell, error 1072 sounds related to not being able to delete a service, which is odd in this context if it doesn't already exist. I'm not sure what's going on, but here are some questions to try to narrow it down:

  • What version of Windows are you using?
  • What console are you using?
  • Are you running the console as admin?
  • Does the Windows services list show anything with the name myapp already?

I'm closing this since I don't have enough info to take action, but I'll be happy to look into this if you can provide some more details.