
Modal signup/login widget is unescapable

mtlynch opened this issue · 2 comments

Normally, modal login pop-up widgets are closable when the user clicks outside of the pop-up widget. At 3:00 in the video, DK notices that What Got Done's widget remains open and modal even when the user clicks outside the widget.

I believe this is actually a bug in UserKit's hosted widget, so I'll follow up with them.

Note that this is related to The /login route breaks the back button (#405), but they're two separate issues.

dtq commented

I believe the issue is that the login-dismiss flag is set to false:

userKitScript.setAttribute('data-login-dismiss', 'false');

Deleting that line should fix this.

My guess is that this flag was copied over from our UserKit quick-start docs. We should probably add clarification in the docs (or a code comment) to make it clearer what that flag does.

Thanks @dtq! I was holding off on bothering you guys until the end of the weekend, but that fixed it. Thanks!