
Feature: Support private journal entries

Opened this issue · 0 comments


Private journal entries are the most requested feature for What Got Done. Many users would like to use What Got Done to record their private updates but don't want strangers to have access to what they write.

What's blocking the feature

Private entries are not hard to implement technically, but it does raise the maintenance costs of the site. I treat security as a first-class citizen on What Got Done, but right now, the penalty for a security breach is very low. Everything that What Got Done stores is public anyway, so it's impossible for the site to leak data due to a security breach.

If I begin supporting private updates, it means there's more to worry about if there's a security breach. If I'm supporting What Got Done as a hobby project, I don't believe I'll be able to dedicate the time to perform due diligence in protecting user data from breaches on an ongoing basis.

If you're interested in this feature

If you're interested in private updates for personal usage of What Got Done, subscribe to this issue to receive updates about development plans for it.

If you're interested in using this feature in a paid version of What Got Done, email me at I gave up on paid plans for What Got Done in July 2019 because I couldn't find enough customers to fund development, but if we reach a critical mass, I can return to the idea.