
Option to disable reading time on blog posts?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Thanks for the great theme!

I'm wondering if there is a way to disable the reading time display on blog posts. It looks like other Hugo themes have this option that can be set in config.toml but I'm not able to find such an option on this theme.

mtn commented

There currently isn't an option, but I can easily add it. It'll be enabled by default, and you'd set a value in your config file to disable it.

I'll leave this issue open until it's finished.


mtn commented

@mfherman This is done. You can set noreadingtime = true under [params] in your config file now.

Feel free to ping me if anything doesn't work as you expected!

Works perfectly -- thanks again!

@mtn - Thanks a lot for the amazing theme!

Curious to know how to enable the reading time which I am unable to figure out. Didn't open a new ticket as this could be one stop for people who want to disable and enable the reading time. Appreciate your time on this.

Let me know if this warrants a new ticket! :)

mtn commented

@unsungNovelty The relevant code is here. Do you have noreadingtime set to true under [params] in your config file?

I figured that it is automatic in "blog" section. Although I didn't find a fix for new listed section @mtn.

Do you have noreadingtime set to true under [params] in your config file?

It is false @mtn