
How to stop Bandit?

riccardomanfrin opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using Bandit 1.0.0-pre.16

I can start it with the conventional childspec

{ Bandit,
        scheme: :https,
        ip: ip,
        thousand_island_options: [
          num_acceptors: amount,

The documentation mentions a lot of ways to start it, and is backed by a lot of ways of starting ThousandIsland, but is there a way to stop it (just like provided by cowboy:stop_listener)?

Yep! You can stop bandit either via standard supervision patterns (at the top level, a thousand island server instance is just a Supervisor process?, or via if you want to be explicit about it.

Ok.. I think I'm getting the direction..
The ThousandIsland.stop is not an option cause I don't want to keep track of an "ephimeral" pid pretty much.
So I will have to dedicate a Supevisor to wrap the Bandit process tree (I'm having just one super simple flat supervisor managing Bandit and few other processes atm.

Yes worked ;)