
Automated tests not running?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

On the main git page for it states:

In ongoing automated performance tests, Bandit's HTTP/1.x engine is up to 4x faster than Cowboy depending on the number of concurrent requests.

But when I go to that benchmark referenced, it appears to be (a) from 10-months ago, (b) has expired and (c) not automated.

I could be mistaken but wanted to call to your attention.

Thanks for creating Bandit btw.

That link goes stale, since GitHub Actions only keeps job artifacts around for 90 days (or something similarly short).

Benchmarks don't run automatically; they only run on PRs that are tagged with the benchmark label, or else manually (which only project admins can do).

I'll keep this ticket open to remind me to try and improve this; thanks for the note!

Reminder transferred to my personal TODO system, closing this.