
More examples in documentation

nacengineer opened this issue · 1 comments

It's a minor thing but I am switching from Cowboy to Bandit and while the documentation shows what I need to modify for custom config, e.g. http_1_options: [...] the documentation doesn't really have any examples of config blocks where one would add these options, i.e. what the config setting in phoenix would look like.

TBF this was always an issue with cowboy configuration too as I'd have to hunt around for examples on how to pass the options. Ok they're tuples but where and how do I actually add them. Even just a quick example of how to upgrade from cowboy with custom settings, e.g. increasing header sizes and lengths which we always have to do for shibboleth.

Sorry if this is a pedantic request. I appreciate all the work the team has done on getting us a legitimate web server written in Elixir and look forward to all the improvements.

Thanks for the note! Fixed in main and will be out in the next release.