
Open database from link

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When using a local SQLite database on IOS Simulator (in Flutter), I can get a link to my local machine file system where this database resides.

If I use any tool, including this extension, I can see the database, do queries, etc.

But, that folder is random each time I reinstall the app (which happens A LOT during development).

So, I print the current database path in the debug console, where I can Option+Click it:


The problem is: this will open the file on VSCode itself and since the file is not recognized, it will try to pick a default editor:


The SQLite Viewer extension, by Florian Klampfer, register itself as a valid editor for SQLite and opens the database (problem is: that extension is read-only and don't even allow queries).

So, it would be nice if this extension would register itself as a .db or .sqlite editor and automatically open the database, so we can see the tables, do queries, etc.