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Calculates two-electron repulsion integrals with Regent


Start by cloning Legion and Gasnet

git clone https://gitlab.com/StanfordLegion/legion.git -b hijack_registration_hack
export LEGION_DIR=$PWD/legion

Edit $LEGION_DIR/runtime/realm/cuda/cuda_module.cc at line 2656 to insert the following line:

git clone https://github.com/StanfordLegion/gasnet.git


Normally this project (eri-regent) is a submodule of the larger TeraChem project and is located at production/regintbox/src/eri-regent.
When this is the case you should build Legion using the scripts in production/scripts/xstream, such as build_legion_k80.bash.


If you are building eri-regent in a standalone configuration follow these instructions:

When more than 1 GB of memory is needed, you must build Legion with luajit2.1. Instructions for building on Ubuntu Linux:

cd $LEGION_DIR/language
./install.py --cmake --terra-url https://github.com/StanfordLegion/terra.git --terra-branch luajit2.1
make -C build install
export REGENT=/usr/local/bin/regent.py
alias regent=$REGENT

Instructions for building on xstream:

cd $LEGION_DIR/language
module load GCC/4.9.2-binutils-2.25  
module load OpenMPI/1.8.5
module load Python/3.6.0
module load CMake/3.5.2
module load CUDA/8.0.61
module load LLVM/3.7.0
export CONDUIT=ibv
export USE_CUDA=1
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export LEGION_SRC=$HOME/work/legion
export LEGION_INSTALL_PATH=$HOME/work/legion_install
./scripts/setup_env.py --cmake  --terra-url https://github.com/StanfordLegion/terra.git --terra-branch luajit2.1 --extra=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$LEGION_INSTALL_PATH
export REGENT=$LEGION_DIR/language/regent.py
alias regent=$REGENT


Use the Makefile to compile and run inside C++. This will generate a header file and a library for the eri tasks so they can be called within C++. The Makefile assumes the RG_MAX_MOMENTUM environment variable has been set. If you want to compile for a new RG_MAX_MOMENTUM then you need to run make rg.clean before the environment variable will affect the build.

cd eri-regent

Running and Testing

Run with Regent using top_jfock.rg or top_kfock.rg inside src/ for testing. Note that running eri-regent with this method does not require you to run make.

cd eri-regent/src
# To run JFock algorithm
regent top_jfock.rg -L P -i tests/integ/h2o -v tests/integ/h2o/output.dat
# To run KFock algorithm
regent top_kfock.rg -L S -i tests/integ/h2 -v tests/integ/h2/kfock_output.dat
# Use option `-fflow 0` to compile eri-regent faster

To test eri-regent with C++, compile the test program inside src/tests/cpp after building eri-regent.

cd eri-regent/src/tests/cpp

This will produce a binary inside eri-regent/build.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LEGION_DIR/language/build/lib/
cd eri-regent
# To run JFock algorithm
build/eri_regent_test -i src/tests/integ/h2o -a jfock
# To run KFock algorithm
build/eri_regent_test -i src/tests/integ/h2o -a kfock

Higher Angular Momentum Systems

Be sure to select the appropriate angular momentum using the -L [S|P|D|F|G] option. This will tell Lua to produce the correct number of Regent tasks. Higher angular momentums need more and larger kernels which can take a long time to compile to Cuda code. The number of J kernels needed is (2L-1)2 and the number of K kernels needed is L2 * (L2 + 1) / 2.

Angular Momentum Number of J Kernels Number of K Kernels Memory Wall-time
S = 1 1 1 Negligible < 1 Minute
P = 2 9 10 2 GB 2 Minutes
D = 3 25 45 > 4 GB > 5 Minutes
F = 4 49 136 > 7 GB > 7 Minutes
G = 5 81 325 > 31 GB > 1 Hour

Testing with Python3

First compile the test program in eri-regent/src/tests/cpp, then you can use python3 to run the binary on all test inputs.

python scripts/test.py
python scripts/test_boys.py