
Supporting 1-handled slider

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Any thoughts about supporting 1-handled slider?

For sliders that only support 1 selectable value, they could take advantage of stepped values, continuous animation, and easy min/max/step value setting provided by this class.

Perhaps a method that would remove lower handle from view, and make inactive.

    lowerHandle.hidden = YES
    lowerHandle.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

Pin the track to the start if lower handle is not visible.

//returns the rect for the track image between the lower and upper values based on the trackimage object
- (CGRect)trackRect
    if _lowerHandle.hidden == YES { xLowerValue = 1; }

Hi. Just added support to hide handle. They basically follow your suggestion above.

2x Properties, lowerHandleHidden and upperHandleHidden.
