
Slider does not appear in UITableViewCell on iOS 8

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Added a UIView to the cell prototype in Storyboard, added NMRangeSlider as the class.

cell.rangeSlider.setLowerValue(0.0, upperValue: 10.0, animated: false)

Shows a blank white cell. Thoughts?

@LandonRover you should better check #54 commit to fix your problem.

That looks like it, thank you for the heads up about the commit.

I was able to get the slider to show, but the middle is still blank (not the orange shown in the demo).

@LandonRover try,

pod 'NMRangeSlider', :git => ''

this one.
It seems #54 Pull request also has bundle issue.

@muZZkat And I think 1.2.2 version is not published to cocoapods trunk.
default version when using

pod 'NMRangeSlider' 

is 1.2.1

n13 commented

@chanil1218 Thanks so much, that fixed it.

(First time I'm trying to use NMRangeSlider and then that happened... classic.)