
Feature: Add keywords like gitmoji

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Would be great if in the keywoards would be git like keywoards too.
Helps with creating commit messages, instead of always opening a new browser tab to search there for the emojis

emojilib consists of emoji from the Unicode Standard. Gitmoji such as :shipit: are specific to platforms that don't adhere to the spec.

You'll likely want to look at specific gemoji/gitmoji packages such as for Git/GitHub-specific emoji. Cheers!

muan commented

IIUC, I think they meant adding keywords like these:

An old Atom editor commit convention. I don't know if there's a commonly used list now. Some can be a bit far fetched but some do seem reasonable. Race horse for performance? Kind of.

Oh! Sorry, I see I misunderstood. Re-opening. 🙂

muan commented

@BreakingTV do you have a list? I have not done this myself. Feel free to send a PR.