
Category Names as Keywords Redundant?

wbinnssmith opened this issue · 2 comments

Many emojis in the emojis.json list their category name (or a piece of their category name) as a keyword. In the same way that part of their description as a keyword (as the test enforces), should these be removed as redundant information as well?

A few examples:

  "mouse2": {
    "keywords": ["animal", "nature", "rodent"],
    "char": "🐁",
    "category": "nature"

There are many animals with "nature" and "animal" included in keywords, and if the category is renamed to "Animals and Nature" will be really redundant. Though, having "animal" as a keyword might distinguish it from non-animal-nature-things (facepalm).

  "family": {
    "keywords": ["home", "parents", "child", "mom", "dad", "father", "mother", "people", "human"],
    "char": "👪",
    "category": "people"

Also in this case "people" indicates more than one person moreso than the category, so it's ambiguous here too.

Let me know what you think.

muan commented

I'm inclined to keep those words for the reasons you mentioned. Also I am starting to think that the emoji name itself should probably also be a keyword as it seems more intuitive that way... right?!

Makes sense!