
Minor signature time issue

enitiz opened this issue · 4 comments

Liquid thinks I will enter date/time in GMT. But giving local time is more convenient.



Since date wasn't being showed in signature anyway. So I tried little changes and now it shows intended time.




muan commented

Hi there, thanks for opening this issue.
Timezone is actually something you can set in the configuration file; in the example you provide it'd be showing in local time zone(which varies for each person), you can add this line in _config.yml to have both date and time displayed correctly in IST.

timezone: Asia/Kolkata

Also you're correct on that you would not need to provide 'date' if you've got it correctly in the file name. I personally write everything as when changing time zones, the date might change accordingly.

Jeykll configuration doc
List of time zones

Thanks. I should have known this. 👍

muan commented

@ice1mind Hi there, just a follow up:
I noticed when I put in seconds it will assume I am putting GMT and convert the time into the time zone I set, which is unideal. So just.. don't put in seconds, and it should be fine. ☝️

muan commented

Another follow up on this:
When putting only time, no date, the date in file name will be overridden as today. So putting a date is still necessary.