muan/scribble permalink

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Thanks again for Scribble, it's wonderful. And also the name of my cat.

I had a slightly problem with it when I started self-hosting instead of via GitHub Pages - the pretty link was broken ( working fine). In config.yml I tried changing permalink to other categories, to no avail.

The best solution for me was adding the line

permalink: about/ 

to my file.

As you might have guessed, I've no idea what I'm doing. Is this a good solution? Was there ever a problem? If so, sorry for not forking and submitting a pull request.


P.S. I also struggled and succeeded to get footnotes working using the RedCarpet Fork- please shout at me if you'd be interested in my (probably amusingly inept) methodology. It seemed like a big deal to me, at least...

There is no problem with the about link. Create a folder called about then inside that folder create a file called

You can do footnotes with kramdown and I sugest that you use kramdown instead, it is one of the Jekyll default options.

gem update
gem install kramdown
# If use rbenv
rbenv rehash

[^tag]: the footnote

They are are automatically assigned numbers based on the order they appear in the text.

Update the config file to markdown: kramdown and you should be good to go

Thanks for the pointers!

/about solutions

I think my problem had come about after I'd:

  1. Stupidly put one my posts in the category 'about'
  2. jekyll build

  3. Realised my mistake, recategorised the posts.
  4. jekyll build

  5. Despair.

but then still had issues with the /about/ link, and so came upon rebuilding and using the line

permalink: about/ 

which seems to work just fine and requires fewer steps.

Ignoring all that, I think I'll implement your solution as it'll let me have multiple pages within /about/, which I might feasibly desire.

kramdown over redcarpet

Regarding using kramdown: thank you! Works a treat. Always refreshingly lovely to have such positive interactions on the web. I stumbled across the sloppier solution I'd implemented as that was all I could find on Google - I'll write up a short summary of footnoting with Jekyll. This was the most recent and relevant article I could find - I've notified the author as a correction to their article is far more likely to be seen than my website.

muan commented

Thank you so much @matthew-campbell for taking care of this issue!! 💕

@jdkram For more information about permalink, you can read more here. As for now, I see this theme's default setup is using 'none', so if you change it to 'pretty', it will work without having to moving the file into folders. But bear in mind that paths to your posts will change as well.

@muan thanks. I'll stick with 'none' and use one of the two workarounds above, I like the simplicity of a title w/o date.

Thanks again for the sweet theme.