
Several warnings, site does not work :(

belohlavek opened this issue · 10 comments

Followed instructions on Windows 7 using Powershell but I get all this:

Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? First time using Jekyll!

Thanks for reading.


I had an error similar to this, running on Windows 8. I think it may be to do with Ruby gems rather than the Scribble theme itself.

Basically what I narrowed it down to was there was a gem I had installed called Pygments (this gem lists Posix-Spawn as a dependancy, which I spotted in your error), which I believe is some type of syntax/code highlighter. So that if you have code samples in your markdown files they get styled as such. I know the theme demo markdown has these in, so what you could try is taking out the code samples, or even those markdown files altogether and see if you can do a build. At least this will help to establish if this is causing the problem.

I am no Jekyll expert myself, and am only toying around with it, so sorry I can't tell you a fix, but when I saw your error it reminded me of the issue that I had. All I can say is that on Windows I have found that you need the right mix of gems to get Jekyll to behave.

I managed to install this theme without problems:
But I hate it and still want this one :P so I'll try out what you mentioned until the authors reads this issue.


muan commented

Hi @belohlavek, as a matter of fact I have very little idea, but what @andy-chubb said sounds really plausible, back when I had a windows machine incompatible gems were causing problems all over the place.
So if that's the case, you can try removing the this line from the config file and last line of this file then rebuild the site, it should solve the problem.
Although that means you won't have code highlighting anymore, but at the same time there are alternatives for doing code highlighting. A few versions back this theme was using codemirror for syntax highlighting, if you're up for it, try that.

Also thanks a lot @andy-chubb!

@muan I'd be able to use some kind of JS Syntax Highlighter and Codepen rather than Pygments, thanks for the quick answer and I'll try that in a minute!

@muan @andy-chubb It worked! Now, should I use a JS Syntax Highlighter as I said or is there some smarter alternative?

btw, you should put the menu inside a nav tag ;)

muan commented

Codemirror is a JS alternative as I mentioned, if you check back my commits here: this theme was using that instead of pygments(21 may), so you can reset back and try it out to see if you like that :)
I'm sure there are others but I don't know them. :)

As for the nav tag.. I have actually moved the theme into another repository along with other themes, so it is indeed in a nav tag now. :) I am not actively maintaining this repository at the moment.

muan commented

Hey by the way, I just came across this: Looks to be exactly what you had.

I haven't tried this, though, using something like may make your life easier.

Using Pygments on Windows is a little bit tricky, but that is a problem with Python rather than Ruby or Jekyll. You have to make sure that pygmentize command works on its own before using it with Jekyll.

I've already removed the codemirror code and used Prettify instead: so no need for Python syntax highlighting! Thanks for the help!