/photos like button does not change on click
Closed this issue · 3 comments
kitkazak commented
Hi! I noticed something while browsing muan.co/photos
Apparently "Like?" button should be changed to "Liked ♥︎." after being clicked but it does not. At least in Chrome v109.0.5414.120
The site is pretty cool by the way, I'm kinda fan of yours lol
muan commented
Thank you!
I can't seem to reproduce this issue though. Any more cues?
kitkazak commented
Actually it seems to be working well now... have no idea why it didn't before. Probably i misunderstood something or was impatient and clicked that button too much.
I'm sorry to have bothered you
muan commented
No worries! there may have been a network error that was just dropped or something. I'll look into error handling.