Help junior users to create/transfer the correct #action
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Some sentenses may be difficult for junior users to make Actions. I sugguest to add a new function to help junior users to create/transfer the correct #action. For example:
[original sentense]
Users want to catch the key variables of the designed job as follows:
#action { 陆乘风说道:请%1代替本座于%2日后前往%3抓那个%4。 }
Suppose that, as a very beginner of a mud player, I don't know how to write this action. However, I will be very grateful if there is a COMMAND which can transfer the sentense to the correct action, e.g. a COMMAND named #transaction will transfer all things in {} to thee correct way:
#transaction { 陆乘风说道:请{姑娘}代替本座于{5}日后前往{苏州沧浪亭}抓那个{杀手}。 };
will generate
#action { 陆乘风说道:请{\S}代替本座于{\d}日后前往{\S}抓那个{\S}。 } {do sth};
I think this function, no matter in what way it is created, will be very popular esp. with the junior users.