
Simple and primitive DOM wrapper

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Skin.js is simple and primitive DOM Wrapper, focusing on DOM updating under high FPS environment.

Code is too small but it will give you idiomatic style.


NO MORE BIG TEMPLATE on client, like on server. It is too slow.

I want to divide template and use high responsive HTMLElement cache.

Skin gives you...

  • Simple Template
  • High Perforamance DOM Access via HTMLElement cache


<script src='skin.js'></script>

<div id='goblin'></div>
<script type="text/template" id='status_template'>
<div class='monster'>
  <span data-value='name'></span>
  <span data-value='hp'></span>
  <span data-value='mp'></span>
window.onload = function(){
  var root = document.querySelector('#goblin');
  var html = document.querySelector('#status_template').innerText;
  var goblin_skin = new Skin(root, html);
    name: 'goblin',
    hp: 100,
    mp: 20
  goblin_skin.inject('mp', function(el){
    el.innerHTML = 30;

'data-value' attribute is set by Skin#set. It is combined with hash object under root.

Skin does NOT have...

  • Iterative value apply (I don't want to intercept libraries somthing)
  • escape html (you should do by your way)
  • EventHandler
  • EventDispather
  • And Other Architect Elements

I write it for Backbone helper. (but no dependencies) ListView will be implelemented via Backbone.Collection and Backbone.View.


  • IE8+
  • Firefox
  • Chrome

It will work when you can use 'querySelector'.