
#match does not return `MatchData` instance in some cases

BanzaiMan opened this issue · 2 comments

If the regex contains case-insensitive marker, RE2::Regexp#match returns true or false instead.

2.0.0p247 :001 > require 're2'
 => true 
2.0.0p247 :002 > re2 = RE2('(?i:abc)')
 => #<RE2::Regexp /(?i:abc)/> 
2.0.0p247 :003 > re2.match 'ABC'
 => true 

The issue here is that (?flags:re) is a non-capturing group; as nothing is captured in the expression, the library only returns true or false to indicate a match or not.

In contrast:

> RE2('(?i:(abc))').match 'ABC'
=> #<RE2::MatchData "ABC" 1:"ABC">
> RE2('(?i:abc)').match 'ABC'
=> true

I agree that the multiple return types is confusing though and might make the interface more complicated than necessary.

That makes sense. I guess the workaround is good enough.