
Removing layers/packages breaks dependencies

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is unclear what and how it happened or hard to reproduce. I report it to have in mind a potential bug.

I have a stable repo KDE VM of mOS that got upgrades. Running luet upgrade broke the system.
This seemed to happen because it upgraded layers/kde-common, so it uninstalled it first but was unable to re-install it. Reason seemed to be one of my experimental builds of inkscape in a local repo. Inkscape conflicted with something from this layer, so the layer was not installed anymore. I have chrooted and installed the layer again, all worked fine.
Then I have decided to uninstall my experimental Inkscape. And so I did. As effect, the system was broken once more as it removed something again along with Inkscape... Not sure what, but it is different this time as reinstalling layers/kde-common did not fix it anymore.
Also, the two situations were different. In the first case SDDM could not start anymore, the network was broken completely, and it was missing even sudo. In the second case SDDM did not work only, being fixed by reinstalling layers/qt.
My custom local build of Inkscape went out of sync by comparison to the new packages versions, as it was an old build test.

The console output at the time of the first upgrade as effect of installation of init/mocaccino-skel:

From the log, initial Luet version:

Luet version 0.17.3-g42b05fd9ebfd9efbc0d23abd3f91888be591ca51 2021-08-03 0725 UTC
        Luet Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Ettore Di Giacinto
        This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
        This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
        under certain conditions.

After the upgrade, Luet is 0.17.8:

 Luet version 0.17.8-g3402641241fd6459a4c95f6055b98a728c4e2c67 2021-08-11 0135 UTC
        Luet Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Ettore Di Giacinto
        This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
        This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
        under certain conditions.

luet version 0.17.8-g3402641241fd6459a4c95f6055b98a728c4e2c67 2021-08-11 01:44:35 UTC

I close it as old Luet version and not being able to reproduce it anymore. I'll add a new bug if this happens again.