
Issue installing Wordbook AUR package

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • Wordbook version: 0.3.1
  • Python version: 3.9.6
  • Operating System: Manjaro and Arch Linux


Fails to install when I try to install the AUR package in Pamac (Manjaro) (this was present before the update to 0.3.1 (which I reported in the AUR webpage), and it is still present) and Paru (Arch Linux).
Note: It builds successfully from source with make setup and make install.

What I Did

$ pamac install wordbook
Warning: wordbook is only available from AUR
Cloning wordbook build files...
Checking wordbook dependencies...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To build (1):
  wordbook  0.3.1-1    AUR

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] y

Building wordbook...
==> Making package: wordbook 0.3.1-1 (Friday 16 July 2021 04:33:05 PM)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading wordbook-v0.3.1.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   125  100   125    0     0     22      0  0:00:05  0:00:05 --:--:--    30
100  190k    0  190k    0     0  17407      0 --:--:--  0:00:11 --:--:-- 41634
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    wordbook-v0.3.1.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting wordbook-v0.3.1.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
/var/tmp/pamac-build-archisman/wordbook/PKGBUILD: line 28: cd: wordbook-0.3.1: No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().

The same issue also occurs with paru my Arch Linux VM.

😅 I hadn't committed the changes needed before pushing... such a rookie mistake... Could you test now?

Now it works. Thanks for the quick fix. I will also delete the comment at AUR as it is not anymore relevant.

Thanks for testing so quickly! Glad to know it works :)