Bug: Datepicker looses active and hover effect if used together with Bootdtrap due to css glitch
arminlinder opened this issue · 0 comments
When used together with bootstrap.css the datepicker lost it's "hover" and "active" styles, and got a wrong font assigned. When I removed bootstrap.css, everything was fine.
Suspected reason: the generated html for the calendar widget does not contain an explicit <tbody> tag, but the datepicker.css does reference it. When used together with other css which has direct definitions for table styles without <tbody>, those may accidentially overwrite the ones in datepicker.css.
While the use of <tbody> is optional, imho you should maintain consistency between html and css and not address a <tbody> when you don't have it.
After removing the obsolete tags from the datepicker css it did function nicely together with bootstrap.css.
Browsers: Firefox 52.9.0 (ESR), Chrome 67.0.3396.99