
This project is Pet Adoption Platform any one can adopt a pet. you can buy a pet and see all pets name, images and more. you can sort pet by price. you can see category by clicked pet's icon.

Primary LanguageHTML

Batch 10 Assignment 6 - Pet Adoption Platform

  • Title: Peddy - Pet Adoption Platform

  • Short description of the project

    • This project is Pet Adoption Platform any one can adopt a pet. you can buy a pet and see all pets name, images and more. you can sort pet by price. you can see category by clicked pet's icon.
  • 5 key features of the project:

    • User can see all details of pets. like name, breed, gender, price, vaccinated status, pet details.
    • User can buy a any pet from here. you can see all pets name, images and more.
    • User can use this website any devise's you can see all pets name, images and more.
    • User can sort pet by price. you can see all pets name, images and more.
    • User can see category by clicked pet's icon. you can see all pets name, images and more.
  • ES6 features used:

    • Fetch for To fetching data from API.
    • Async & Await for promise resolve to get data.
    • Nullish coalescing operator for Null or Undefined.Values.
    • Fat Arrow => function for using function to easy way.
    • Reusable function for using function to easy way.
    • Template literals for using html to easy way.

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