
Min/max time restrictions

ifree92 opened this issue · 3 comments

As I understand, minDate and maxDate means to disable only some specific dates range, but not a time.
Is there a way to disable exactly some time and make it impossible to select through analog clock selector?


Version: Material UI Pickers 3.2.9

Amusing enough, the docs (v3.2.9) list maxDateMessage and minDateMessage as props, but do not have a minTime nor maxTime prop.

It looks like a min/max prop has been added to the code in v4.0.0-alpha.6.


Amusing enough, the docs (v3.2.9) list maxDateMessage and minDateMessage as props, but do not have a minTime nor maxTime prop.

@oliviertassinari I meant exactly date time range selector.
It has mentioned props. Please refer here:

I meant exactly date time range selector.

Same difference, the props were added in version 4.
