
[DatePicker] Enabling setting a month/date that the picker opens on

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If I understand the documentation well, as for now there is no way to force the date picker to open on specific month/date. This would be really great. If I set a minDate in the future, the user has to click a lot to move to the month with dates that are enabled to be selected.

Also I think that It would be more user-friendly if the DatePicker's default month would be the month of the minDate, if it's present of course.

I agree this would be a nice feature. The current work around is setting the defaultDate value to the date you want it to open on.

@mpontikes I need the default field value to be empty. Also I'm using a controlled input. This is used in a search form which should allow no date input filled.

This is a problem for me as well.
It seems like the cleanest way to fix this problem is to add something like

else if (props.defaultValue) {
  return props.defaultValue;

to DatePicker.js#L237.

Has anyone found a solution to this?

One way to do that with the current implementation is to keep a ref to the date picker component and call setState directly on it, which is ugly and will certainly break some day but it works for now. Something like this:

  ref={(c) => this.picker = c}
  onShow={() => {
    if ( === undefined)
      this.picker.setState({dialogDate: minDate})

It would be much better if the default dialog date was the min date when one is provided.

Hello, same problem here..
What is the status of this issue ?

Thank you

Closing for #4787