
Focus *picker inputs on tap

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Problem description

For iOS tablet and phones (safari and chrome) I found that if you focus on a form "TextField" input, before tapping on or a opening a DatePicker or TimePicker, the focus will persist on the last input. To fix this on iOS:

I added the "onTouchTap" property to the *Picker


and implemented component method (bound to component)

    excuseKeyboard(event) {;

Without this the picker will open with keyboard open and I think would be more useable out of the box with this done automatically (only tested on iOS).


  • Material-UI: 0.17.0 - 0.16.x
  • React: 15.x
  • Browser: iOS 10.x, mobile chrome and safari (ipad/iphone7/iphone6plus)

Closing for #4787